Sunday, May 20, 2012

Week 8: Bridge Analysis

This past week in lab we learned about bridge analysis. Using online tools professor Mitchell provided on the blog and the help of our TA’s we learned how to calculate the forces the beams experienced when they experienced a load. This also showed us which beams are under compression and tension.  After doing the calculations by hand we drew a diagram if the sample bridge in an online program which calculated the forces manually.
            While knowing how much force the different parts of the bridge is under is useful, I think further analysis would be conducted for a real bridge. There simply is not enough data about the gussets and all the members. These calculations did not include the top and bottom members, while they may not have a big of effect on the bridge ass the side members it is still important to understand what they are doing. When making a real bridge any designer would test and calculate everything possible before allowing something so massive and important to be created. These calculations simply, leave too many variables out like consistent weight and the weather, both of which would have a significant effect on the bridge. In order for a bridge to be safe it is important to calculate how much weight it will take for the bridge to break. It is also important to know where the weakest point is in the bridge. Additionally, the designer would also have to calculate how consistent weight would affect the bridge over a long span of time. These calculations are vital to the bridges safety and feasibility and cannot be omitted. 

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