Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Week 9: Bridge Process

Last week in lab, my group and I reflected on our work so far and discussedwhat needed to be done. We decided on two major things:

#1: resolve the technical issue involving Bridge Designer
#2: create a final bridge design

We tackled #1 within the first half hour; which left #2, possibly the most important assignment of them all. After contemplation, it was agreed upon to start an entirely new design. Our previous design, while well thought out, did not perform as well as we had expected and had a weak cost/weight ratio. Thus, I began a different design in both technical and aesthetic aspects. The new bridge features a bottom cross-section for reason of adding strength. Our previous design failed front and center and I believe that this new addition will account for previous weaknesses. Secondly, the elevation view includes that of an incomplete cross section, where an additional member runs correspondingly in a primary Howe truss.  Unlike the Howe design, both sides mirror the other. The incomplete cross-section was incorporated for the sole reason of cutting costs while still providing weight displacement along the bridge. Nevertheless, complete cross-sections were added to the bridge ends to prevent compressed failure. Middle horizontal beams were also added for strength purposes.

I hope to find that during this week’s lab our design will prove to be successful. For these last upcoming labs, testing our design is essential to achieving success. Changes will be made based on our test results to determine our final competition design.

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